The average coach bus rental cost ranges from $600 to $1200 per day. Please note that a coach bus rental cost is subject to vary based on many factors such as your trip date, length, and location. Visit our online booking tool to receive an instant accurate overview of the coach bus rental cost for your particular trip.
When renting a coach bus, there are certain factors that come into play to affect charter bus costs. The most important factor that changes a coach bus rental cost? Time.
When you book—from the time of day to the time of year—will have a significant impact on the coach bus rental cost. For example, coach buses typically run higher bills during night routes, given that suppliers often need to pay drivers a premium when driving after dark. Prices also peak during longer trips.
The more time spent on the road, the higher your coach bus rental costs will be due to mileage rates, fuel surcharges, and the possibility of employing multiple drivers to cover the distance of the trip.