3 Easy Ways to Finance Your Bus Rental [INFOGRAPHIC]

Whether you’re planning a field trip, taking your sports team on the road, booking group transportation for your wedding guests, or organizing a private group tour, there are no shortage of bus rental options to meet your needs. Of course, bus rentals prices can vary according to a number of factors, such as group size, travel requirements, and regional availability. Which is precisely why we built our bus rental Quote Tool, so you can get the best price on a bus rental based on your specific group travel needs.

That being said, charter bus rentals are one of the most affordable group transportations options available. It’s so cost-effective, in fact, that we’ve teamed up with JustFundraising.com to show how easily you can finance your next bus rental.

Specifically, we looked at the average hourly price for school bus, minibus, and coach bus rentals, and figured out how many candy bars*, cookie dough**, or candles*** your school, sports team, or church group might have to sell to finance their next bus rental.

And as you can see in the Infographic below, your next bus rental is well within your group’s reach.

How to finance your charter bus rental with

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  • Bus prices will vary depending on regional availability group size, and travel requirements. Please refer to our Quote Tool for more details.
  • * Candy Products: 50% profit (based on each child selling 60 bars and the school ordering enough volume to hit 50% profit, they would profit $0.50 per bar sold OR $30 per 60 bars sold)
  • ** Candles: 50% profit at $7 per unit sold = $3.50 profit
  • *** Cookie Dough: 40% profit at $6.40 per unit sold = $2.56 profit