Startup Open House – Round 2

Last year, we held our first Startup Open House.

We invited friends, had a little photo booth, and sponsored shuttles to get attendees to startups throughout the city.

There were some hiccups. It turns out, providing people with a schedule of departure locations and times is tough (we see you, STM). But we learned a lot, and still managed to move a lot of people.

This year, we grew really fast.

Our team is now 25 strong thinkers, coders, designers, writers, and planners. We’ve deployed technology that’s never existed before in the charter bus space, and we’re continuing to solidify our position as the best bus transportation partners for the best events across North America.

Again, we partnered with Real Ventures, to sponsor shuttles for Startup Open House in Montreal. The buses moved between the Mile End, Notman House, and the Old Port.

Instead of a schedule, we provided public access to our Trip Viewer, allowing participants to see the buses at any given moment. We even had Alex Shee lead conversations about the startup community on several shuttles.

And the feedback we received was exceptional.


People loved our mobile friendly Trip Viewer. They enjoyed hearing our story, and an incredible amount of people (especially the students) had already ridden with Sharethebus before.


Our team thanks everyone that stopped by our office to say hello, to everyone that tested our shuttles, and to all the wonderful individuals that we met throughout our journey.